Welcome To DINO's Macintosh H/P Collections This will be a series of publications on various topics of the computer underground subculture. I'm sure that once I get used to using this particular software package I'm using to create these, they will become even more entertaining. Eventually I will use sounds, pictures, and even quicktime movies. From here on in I take no responsibility of the use or misuse of the information presented here or in any future publications. Thats all the disclaimer I'm giving and sure thats all I will need. Thanks goes out to the guys and gals who have made my days in the subculture fun, enjoying, and relivable: Starcream, Artimage, Caustic, Abort, Walrus, cntrspy, cntrspy2, and numerous others who I know I have forgotten. A big thanks to the UG> at bbs.isca.uiowa.edu for the information over the years, sad to here it all may come to an end soon. Well thats all I have to say at this point...I'll add later if the mood strikes me. Anyhow enjoy and please give me you thoughts and possible ideas of changes for these publications at the below address..... L8R...... Phractal@ravenloft.iue.indiana.edu *yes I was also phractal for those of you who may have ran across that nick :) P.S. - One thing, I did try to preserve most of the ascii art included with most of these files, for the onces I couldn't --- sorry :( I also have nothing to do with the orginal authors of these text files, except for the ones I wrote of course.....gee damn disclaimers....you are always running into more of them.... P.S.S - ahem...one more thing, I'm also not responsible for the spelling errors in these files...some are mispelled on purpose, others are well....one must remember that most of these files were written by 15 year olds with wild imaginations :) although some of these are legit and work... P.S.S - ok......I'm back once again...I have left out the boxes in this volume that are lame, for instance ones that tell you how to add a hold button to your phone, etc...here is a list of the boxes I left out: Acrylic, Brown, Crimsno, Paisley, Polics, Blue, Razz, Rock, Scralet, Spike, Static, Tan, Tron, Urine....the rest should be there...if I have forgotten any please mail me at the above address with the plans you would like included.